Make Works is a global library for local manufacturing, connecting people who want to make with people who do. We aim for free and accessible fabrication for artists, designers and makers. Make Works consists of multiple regions each lead by community champions in collaboration with local partners. We believe in distributed teams and collaborative governance.

The project was born out of Fi Scott’s mind in 2011, in Scotland. In 2013 she starts touring Scotland to map these factories. Over the years the project grew into new regions, until its management was transferred to the The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Fab City Research Lab Barcelona.

In 2021 Make Works launches a new website within the context of the Distributed Design Platform, co-funded by Creative Europe and part of the global Fab City mission for locally productive, globally connected cities.

Completely started from scratch, the software engineer at the time, Viktor Smari, decided to build the website with Ruby on Rails. In 2022 the maintenance of the website was passed on to me, where my task is now to add new features, correct bugs, and generally keep the code clean and healthy.